
The massage techniques listed below increase dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin levels, which strengthens the body’s defences and supports and improves the immune system overall;

Classic / medical massage / sports massage

The classic massage has a relaxing and calming effect; It has a mechanical-thermal effect on the skin; the sensitive nerve endings; the fasciae; the muscles; the blood circulation and the lymphatic system;

Fascia massage / connective tissue zone massage

Connective tissue massage (or fascia massage) is one of the reflex therapeutic procedures and is a special form of classic massage; Treatment of the connective tissue zones always influences those internal organs, glands and vessels that are assigned to the corresponding connective tissue zone;

Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage is a form of therapy that supports and stimulates the entire lymphatic system; It develops its decongestive, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying drainage effect through fine movements, which leads to pain relief and improved functioning of the immune system;

Foot reflexology

Each part of the body is represented by a reflex point on the foot; The reference zone in the body can be positively influenced by light pressure massage of the corresponding point; A regular foot reflexology massage promotes general harmonisation and helps to reduce tension;

Bowen Therapy

The BOWEN® technique has a very relaxing effect; It helps the body to regain its balance by utilising the body’s own resources for self-regulation; With series of gentle but precise grips over fasciae, muscles, tendons and ligaments, alternating with targeted breaks between these sequences, the body is given the opportunity to regulate itself;

An explanatory model of the BOWEN® method shows the effect of the Bowen grips via their influence on the fasciae and the mechanoreceptors located in the fasciae The stimulation of these receptors, which are part of the nervous system, causes the body to reorganise itself via the brain and the muscle and fascia system and to regain its natural, healthy basic state;


The Pilates method is a holistic body workout that strengthens the deep muscles of the body and the immune system at the same time; The exercises are mainly performed on the mat – precise, controlled and easy on the joints; Pilates is also frequently used in the therapeutic field; For example, for back, lumbar or neck pain, for postnatal recovery after pregnancy, for incontinence and to solve many other problems;

Fascia Yoga

The asanas (yoga poses) are applied specifically to the fascial chains and individual problem areas; The training consists of alternating dynamic sequences and longer stretches (also known as postures or asanas); Fascia yoga is particularly suitable for pain, immobility and stress reduction;

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